Codeception – Create Helper for Reusing Token

create the file on tests/_support/Helper/ folder, to reuse the token you need to create hook _before



class ApiCest 
    private $token;
    function createMeetingTest(ApiTester $I) {
        $data = array(
            "meeting_title" => "Meeting title",
            "meeting_date" => "2019-11-21 10:00:00"
        $this->token = $I->getToken();
        $I->wantToTest('Create a meeting');
		$I->sendPOST('/meetings', $data);


namespace Helper;

class Api extends \Codeception\Module
	public $credentials = array(
		'username' => 'remo.harsono',
		'password' => '12345678'
	private $jwt;

	public function getToken() {
		return $this->jwt;

    public function _before(\Codeception\TestInterface $test) {
		$I = $this->getModule('REST');
		$I->haveHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
		$I->sendPOST("/auth/login", $this->arrCredentials);


		$response = $I->grabResponse();
		$json = json_decode((string)$jesponse);
		if ($json->result == 'OK') {
			$this->jwt = $json->jwt;
		} else {
			// ....

sample json output when calling auth/login
  "result": "OK",
  "jwt": "blablablabla",